
Succulents, a Fountain... and Murder!

Remember the post wherein I revealed that I am a murderer?

(A plant murderer that is.)

It was in that same post that I professed my love for succulents.

(Because I can't kill them.)

(And that makes me feel good about myself.  I don't actually aspire to be a murderer, you know.)

In light of these revelations, I need some advice.  Sitting in the back corner of our garden is this:

And when it's working properly, it is positively lovely.  

As I sit at my "desk" doing my work (no, not the murdering; that's more of a hobby), I can look out upon it and enjoy the pleasant sound of water flowing from its concrete tiers.

As you've probably already guessed, the key words here are when it's working properly.  Because the other 90% of the time, that sucker is nothing more than a giant cement eyesore.  

Which is why I am trying to convince my husband that we should do this:

Or perhaps this:

Aren't they pretty?!  I saw them at the San Diego County Fair and fell. in. love. (!)

My husband, however, is not sold.  

He loves the sound of flowing water and seems perfectly content to settle for 10% of the time over nothing.  

As for me, if I can't repurpose the fountain into a succulent planter, then I just want to get rid of it.

(Because as far as I'm concerned, the back corner of the garden would be a perfect place to throw the bodies.)

So, internet, what would you do?



  1. My vote is a beautiful succulent garden. I love the look of them flowing over the sides. When your husband wants to hear the sound of flowing water, maybe you should perch yourself in the middle of your pool and spray water out of your mouth :)...make him another peanut butter dessert and get to gardening!

  2. That's gorgeous! Why not have water in the lowest level and grow plants in the two upper? Then you both get to win :)

    ps you're not much of a murderer if you can't kill a succulent... just sayin' lol

  3. GO with the succulents. Plus, that would be a lot easier than lugging the thing off somewhere. If he likes the sound of the running water, you could always get one of the smaller indoor-style foutians.

  4. You are so funny! I like the first one! I also like the idea of using one of them for something else. I have 5 NON-working fountains stored under my deck because i just can't throw them away! (and i know I'm going to do something with them someday) I also have a broken birdbath that I decorate seasonally. What is it with water things that they can't make them so they work all of the time???!!!

  5. Oh that is gorgeous Elena! Really unique. Thanks so much for sharing with the newbie party.

  6. That is beautiful, and so creative!! So glad I found you at the newbie party! We have the teacher part in common for sure!! LOL :)

  7. I love, love, love the succuulent use of the cement eyesore. Water features are nice, but IMHO, they are pain in the rear end in terms of upkeep. I vote for succulents! The example pics look fabulous. I have a birdbath that is totally gonna get this treatment now. Thanks for the inspiration. I'm your latest follower and a fellow newbie. Found you through Debbiedoo's.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Oh my gosh this is beyond succulent gorgeousness! You must of bought every succulent in a 25 mile radius. All but one of my fountains are being used, do I did put some succulents in a small fountain. But gosh nothing as spectacular as this! I hope you live in warm weather, I'd sure hate to lose this from frost! I'm a graduate of Debbie's Newbie party, so was wondering would you share this adorable succulent fountain at Sunday's Best this evening. Sure hope so, to darn spectacular not to share!

  10. Just tickled pink you share with us. This has given me so much inspiration for my garden next year. I have a very large fountain in front, and I have not turned it one once. The only thing I worry about is will I break the bank buying enough in succulents. So glad you shared your creative inspiration with Sunday's Best! Hope you share with us next week too!

  11. Give your husband a surprise - - get him a small indoor type water feature and plant this gorgeous thing with succulents!

  12. I found your blog when I googled "Succulent Murder" I recently saw Echeverias for sale that had been spray painted in garish colors. That's a crime...probably murder!
    Back to the reason for my comment. I absolutely love the succulent fountains. Dont forget to consider the winter climate in your area. I have to put my beautiful succulent wreath ... planted for me by my sweet daughter...in my greenhouse in the winter to keep it from freezing. You sure couldnt move a big concrete fountain inside;-) Good luck with your project....hope your hubbie enjoys his new table top fountain...ha ha

    1. Duh....I just realized that your post was almost 3 years old. So how did it turn out?

    2. Lol! Sibbie, I never ended up doing it. My husband wasn't sold on the idea so I put it on the back burner. I must say though, that we live in San Diego so the climate is absolutely perfect for succulents (I too made a succulent wreath and it's out all year long). With this crazy drought we're having I should ask him if he'd like to revisit the idea.

      Thanks for stopping by!


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