
From the Ridiculous to the Sublime

Oh the lure of the thrift shops...

Last week I happened to be in the vicinity of one of my favorite thrifts.  Though I didn't have much time I just had to stop in for a look around.  Despite my rush I decided to take pictures of the items that caught my eye.  Here they are, from the ridiculous to the sublime:  

Falling squarely in the ridiculous camp was this dachshund dressed as Elvis. You know what's even more ridiculous?  The fact that I regret not buying him for $3.00.  As a "dachshund aunt" and former dachshund owner myself I should have just ponied up the three bucks.  Oh well...     

Also ridiculous?  This life-sized model of a human skull.  Okay, I'll admit, it was actually kind of cool and a cursory look around ebay seemed to indicate that I could sell it for a profit, but do I really want to be a skull peddler?  (Notice that I'm not actually answering that question...)

Probably the most ridiculous thing I saw?  Yeah.  Silly, silly.  

Now moving on to the sublime (otherwise known as things I considered buying):

As I mentioned back in this post, I began my thrifting "career" looking for little girls' clothing.  One of my favorite brands to find was Lilly Pulitzer.  Her shift dresses are adorable and always sold well for me on ebay.  Since I'm not selling much on ebay anymore, I left her there (sniff).  That took a lot of willpower.   

This was also hard to leave behind: four canvas panels which, when put together, made up a map of the United States.  Originally sold by Pottery Barn, they were in excellent condition.  They didn't fit with the decor in either of my daughters' rooms, though.  If they had I probably would have picked them up.  

I know I've discussed my love of Pyrex in previous posts.  This Snowflake Blue Casserole was beautiful, but a little pricier than I might have liked, so I left her behind.

Also left behind?  This bad boy.  And if you hear a faint thumping noise it's the sound of me kicking myself for not buying it.  The truth is that I need to be careful when thrifting.  Once upon a time I thrifted with reckless abandon.  The result was bins full of things that seemed like a great idea while I was shopping, but turned out not to be.  That has made me extra cautious while thrifting, especially when the item in question is expensive or unfamiliar to me.  I tried using my ebay app. to research these while I was in the store.  They seem to sell well but I didn't know enough about this particular model to risk spending $24 so I ultimately left it (and its case) behind.  It sure was cool, though.

At this point you might be asking yourself, "What did she buy??"
And here is your answer:

For three dollars I bought ten vintage wooden pants hangers. 

I've seen many great Pinterest projects that use these and I plan to do one of my own soon.  
Stay tuned for that in a future post.    

UPDATE: Click here for my hanger project.


Linking here:


  1. I LOVE thrift stores, and I can truly appreciate your self-restraint. I am pretty sure my parents have a similiar typewriter in a closeet somewhere that I actually used. I can't wait to see the projects you make with the hangers!!

  2. Thanks, Sheri! And thank you for recognizing my restraint. I didn't mention that I wandered the store with several of those items in my cart. Putting them back was the right thing for me but it wasn't easy ;)

    And I'll be sure to post my hanger project when it's done!

  3. I've said this before to others who score at thrift stores ... you guys live in places with neat "junk" {meant as a compliment} I just don't find anything at my local stores. I would have had to buy the map and the "Elvis" and am interested in how you will use the wooden pants hangers as I have a few of those myself! Have a great weekend.


  4. I look forward to seeing what you do with the hangers. Blessings, Debbie

  5. What an entertaining day you had at the thrift shop.

  6. I think my favorite is the map- great colors - but I don't know where I would put it.

    Most Ridiculous Award - Elvis!

  7. If I had been with you, I would have kicked you for not buying the typewriter too. ;) Lots of goodies.

  8. I love that map!! Gorgeous! Your blog is SO FUN! XO, Aimee

  9. You're so right...so much you can do with those hangers, too! I'm your newest follower!

    XO, Aimee

    1. Thanks Aimee! I just learned how to do this embedded comment thing (through your blog) so I thought I'd test it out on your comment :)

  10. Love that typewriter. would love to have it in the window of my boutique flower shop

    1. ooh, if I had a boutique flower shop, I'd have bought it as well ;)

      Thanks for stopping by, Mimi!

  11. That little Elvis dachshund is the cutest thing I've seen in a while. I know someone who would have loved this!

  12. in love with the elvis daschund. Just saying. Did you paint your header all by your loneself?? The colors are beautiful! Might a different background color be better to match that header? The quirkiest thing about your blog...why your style of course! doesn't that dog say it all :)

  13. What a great find. I love the whole idea of using them for picture hangers. Can't help but love the Elvis dachsund too! Thanks for sharing at Restyled Sundays. Be sure to come back soon.

  14. I don't think I could have passed up that typewriter. Please show us what you do with the hangers.

  15. hahahahahahaha, still can't get over the Obama chia pet! Where on earth did the idea for Chia anything come from anyway?!

    sorry I'm so late thanking you for your sweet (and funny!) comment on my project. Can't wait for our first link party whores get-together... lol!


  16. You can never have never have enough wooden hangers. Not to mention the price was right.

  17. That's about as eclectic a variety as I have ever seen in a single blog post. I am glad I dropped by - and I would have snapped up the typewriter had it been me.

  18. I love that map! We never have anything like that at thrift stores here. Just Cracker Barrel t-shirts and old washing machines!


  19. i LOVE thrift shopping!!!!!


  20. Oh, at the times I've walked away from something that really caught my eye at a thrift store...only to regret later not having bought it. I usually console myself witht the fact that I'll probably find another like it one day. But, I have to say, that Elvis-impersonating dauchsand was one of a kind. ;)

    Thanks for linking to Time Travel Thursday. I hope you'll be part of the fun each week.

    Liz @ The Brambleberry Cottage

  21. Those are just fab finds! My boys loved the winnie dog!:) Thanx for linking up to THT!

  22. That typewriter was a great deal for someone. I haven't been able to find one for less than $85. (Maybe I'm not shopping in the right places.)

  23. I have two vintage ones right now sitting out as decor and I love them. But I would think if you are buying for resell, the typewriter would have been hard to ship. I still would be kicking myself for not getting it though.

  24. If you ever get back to Macatawa or visit us in Tennessee, you can visit our Elvis dachshunds ... YES, we've got TWO of them ... one in each dwelling ... ;-).


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