
I Interrupt This Tour of the Living Room for a Tour of the Balcony

I'm bored of the living room.

So today I'm going to digress and take you on a little tour of our most recent remodeling project: the master balcony.

(I can do that.)

(Because it's my blog.)

(And apparently I'm drunk with power.)

Where was I?  Oh yes, the balcony.   Last spring my husband and I decided to paint the exterior of the house.  One day, as we took a walk around trying to figure out colors, etc., we found ourselves standing on the master balcony.  As the name implies, this is/was a small wooden balcony accessible from our master bedroom.  It had probably been more than a year since we'd ventured out there which is is a shame considering that it has a beautiful canyon view.  Unfortunately, the balcony itself was narrow with an ugly metal banister and even uglier plastic lawn furniture.

Uglier yet was the giant mushroom we found growing out of a rotten floor-board.  My husband joked that he could probably put his foot through said board and, after convincing him that was a bad idea, we decided to rethink the whole painting-the-house thing.  Instead we discussed expanding the balcony.  It was a project I had envisioned when we bought the house, not so much because I wanted a bigger balcony but because I wanted the shade it would provide below.  The fungus-among-us was just the kick in the pants we needed tackle that project so painting went on the back burner and construction began.  Here is what the back of the house looked like before the demo.

At the time I had no idea I'd be doing a blog post so the pictures won't tell the whole story but you can see that the balcony was narrow and unattractive.  (Unfortunately, I didn't think to photograph the giant 'shroom growing out of the floor boards ;)

So as much as I love a good remodel, I'm not such a fan of demolition.  For that reason, our contractor (who is also a family friend) kindly did the demo while the family was on vacation.  When we came home, the old balcony was gone and the new one was framed out...

The next step was cementing over the wood.

Then the guys ran electricity for the can lights and the fan:

In the pictures below, the cement has been stuccoed over, the lights & fan are in, the tongue & groove ceiling is complete, and stone has been added at the base of the columns.  

In the next picture you see the final product.  A Trex handrail has been added above (no mushrooms will grow in those babies!) and outdoor blinds hang below:

And then the fun began: furnishing!  For the balcony itself, we went with this set from Target.  I wanted something that was almost bed-like (since it's an extension of the master bedroom).  I looked at many other sets (from Pottery Barn to Walmart and everywhere in between) and couldn't be more thrilled with what we bought.    The poufs were from The Company Store.  They were on sale when we bought them and match the Target cushions perfectly.  (#winning!)  The green umbrella also matched and was repurposed from down below (where we no longer needed temporary shade).  

Did you note my pineapple sconce above?  Love that thing!  Got the idea while staying at this hotel in Ft. Lauderdale.  After spying a similar sconce in their entry, I Googled "pineapple sconce" from my ipad in the room and bought one just like that.  (Because I'm sassy that way.)  

Furnishing the covered patio was equally fun.  I fell in love with this set and managed to buy it on sale as well.  I'm pleased to say that we've been able to enjoy it all winter including Thanksgiving and Christmas!  I can't wait to see what the summer will hold.

Now about that painting...


  1. WOW! What a great transformation! I love your view and all the furniture as well. Thanks for following Our Pinteresting Family. Looking forward to seeing more of your posts. :)


  2. WOW! What a great transformation! I love your view and all the furniture as well. Thanks for following Our Pinteresting Family. Looking forward to seeing more of your posts. :)


  3. Thanks! I wish I'd known I'd be blogging when it happened; I would've taken better pics :)

  4. I'll be right over - I like margaritas, mojitos and wine (but I'll take whatever you have on hand)! I can picture us now, sitting side by side staring at that amazing view! Wait, you don't know me - how embarassing! I'm Kelly - now that we got the intros out of the way - what time should I be there? Linda at it all started with paint was right - I do like you! New follower!

  5. Kelly, you had me at the thumbnail of the vintage seltzer bottles! I can't wait to check out your blog!

  6. Hi Elena! I am so into this space, what a great upgrade. And seriously, the view. Just let me know when the party is. :) So fun to find you, happy to be your newest follower. The lovely Linda from it all started with paint sent me your way!!

    Welcome to blogging!

  7. Thanks Karah! It's one of my favorite spots in (well, out of) the house. Now that things are settling down here I'm going to go check out your blog!

  8. Gorgeous transformation! It looks beautiful!

  9. What a great addition to your home! Looks like a wonderful place to hang out and have friends over. Fantastic view!

  10. that looks amazing, and my gosh, that view! killer! love the furniture, too.

  11. Wow - what a gorgeous view you have! Love your transformation! You'll be spending a lot of time out there in that cozy spot, I'm sure! :)

    xoxo laurie

  12. Love that lime green up top with the tree house view ... and the brick red with the pavers and the pool!

    Summer dreaming ...



  13. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  14. What an incredible transformation. What a wonderful new balcony. I want to sit out there, drinking something like sangria, or a pina colada (inspired by your pineapple sconce) and flip through a magazine or just drool over that view. Then, the deck area beneath...perfection. Love everything about this.


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